The article, Study: Arizona a top destination for businesses relocating from California, from the Phoenix Business Journal, reports that Arizona is the third-best market for California disinvestment, according to a seven-year Spectrum Location Solutions study of companies leaving the state. Texas, Nevada and Arizona are in the top three slots, following by Colorado, Washington, Oregon and North Carolina. Report author Joseph Vranich, a site selection consultant, confirmed that more than $68 billion in capital has been diverted to other states as a result of the more than 1,500 disinvestment actions – the act of a company pulling up stakes and relocating. “Companies moving to other states save 25 percent to 35 percent of operating costs compared to California costs,” Vranich said. “As California’s business climate worsens, chances are that more companies will seek places that are friendlier to business interests,” Vranich said.
Here is the link to the entire article:
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